Friday, March 30, 2012

Grand Theft Auto 3 F.T.W

Its time, that long last boring hour at work with your mind at boredoms edge. Here is this friday's F.T.W, "Grand Theft Auto 3 : 10 Year Anniversary" for Iphone/ Ipad brought to us by "Rockstar Games"

Iphone Game
Rating: Mature Content and Themes

Unless you've been living under a rock, this is one of the single most important video games of the last century. Grand Theft Auto revolutionized the now overdone concept of "Open world" gaming. Without it there would be no Assassin's Creed, no Saints Row, no Batman Arkham City etc. And despite all the protests from parents at the time the game is pretty tame compared to most violent games now. If you're looking for a trip down memory lane look no further.

Although this game is a ps2 port the graphics have been upscaled, with the controls tweaked for iphone. Most commands are touch sensitive with an icon on screen representing the ps2 equivalent. To be honest the controls take some time to get used to, but after a while it is still as immersive now as it was then. A fun mafiaoso game everyone should try out. So if you have an Iphone....whats stopping you.


Friday, March 16, 2012

JS Gameboy Color Game Center F.T.W

I came across this link from a friend and this is by far the greatest online program I have ever come across. I can barely contain my excitement, but this is without a doubt the greatest time waster of them all. I give you, "JS Gameboy Color Game Center"

Online Game(s)
Free to play

Some of you may be familiar with emulators and or roms. In the gaming world when a game is ripped and its data is placed into a computer file it is called a rom. The programs that run these roms are called emulators. In most cases you have to go around downloading the roms and emulators you want from different sources. This program eliminates all that and lets you play your favorite games from the gameboy golden age for free.

So if you want to play some classic Zelda or Mario while your killing time at work go ahead. I find it works best on Google Chrome.


You can play "JS Gameboy Color Game Center" here:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Raiden X F.T.W

This second F.T.W is a fan's rendition of a classic Sega series called "Raiden". If you played a videogame in the 80's / early 90's chances are you came across a game like this. This is a jet fighting, side scrolling game made as homage to the original, this is "Raiden X"

Online Game
Free to Play
No age rating

This is a pretty standard and fun game brought to us by Crazy Monkey Games. The controls are simple, you move the ship around with the arrow keys and shoot at other ships that appear on screen. The stage is always moving forward so you can't back track too far. Its a game of skill and endless madness.

I was never too good at these when I was a kid, but I'm willing to give it a second go around.


You can play "Raiden X" here:

Assassin's Creed Revelations Review

Assassin's Creed Revelations Review

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"

Game: Assassin's Creed Revelations
Developer: Ubisoft
Rating: Mature
Platforms: Xbox 360 & Ps3
MSRP: 49.99

The Assassin's creed series is nearing it's end. Earlier this week the final chapter, Assassin's creed III was announced bringing to end a saga that has taken many games to unfold. With that in mind, I've decided to review the latest entry in the series, Assassin's Creed Revelations. We will see if this is a gem of gaming or a series that is best left forgotten.


The story of Assassin's creed is one that began simple with a complex story, overtime it has become convoluded and to be honest very confusing. If one hasn't played the Assassin's creed story before you may not understand whats going on for the first hour or so. Every game begins with a narrative that catches you up to speed but in Revelations it is done so sloppily that most probably still won't understand why they should care about certain things.

Here is the story of Assassins Creed, its in the near not too distant future and scientist have discovered theres no such thing as instincts, essentially your ancestors memories are planted within you. Going on these scientists have created a machine that allow people to relive the lives of their ancestors in their mind, a machine called an animus. However there are a group of people, Templars who are secretly at war with another group, Assassins. And the assassins have something the Templars desperately want, so they kidnap a man named Desmond and force him to relive his ancestors memory to find out where that thing is. There, simple and done.

Through the course of the games Desmond lives the life of two of his ancestors, Altair and Ezio Auditore. (Altair being only in the first game and Ezio being in the next two)This game essentially serves as a knot tie of the plot to show you what finally happened to both of them after their perspective games had finished. Desmond in this game lives the life of an old and aging Ezio Auditore as he ironically tries to find out information on their ancestor Altair. It is a quest for knowledge with violence and gore in between.

The game then allows characters to switch between controlling Altair and Ezio in flashbacks which unfold more of the story as you play on. But, I can't help but shake the feeling that this game is essentially a fan service. The story that unfolds with most of the characters begins interesting, but then becomes boring overtime. And at halfway through I stopped caring.

Grade:: C


All of the Assassin's Creed games play the same. It is an open world map of an area and the assassins uses parkour to get to where he needs to. Missions are laid out over the map in markers that the player must walk into to trigger them. From there on, there is alot to do in the game. Ezio can buy and renovate shops, help the townspeople with random troubles, and do activities to weaken the Templar population. These are all really simple and yet time consuming activities, so for the most part this game acts as a sort of time sink. Much like farmville and other facebook games, activities take times and serve no greater purpose than just to do them. Do you need to help people to advance the plot? Or take over Templar Headquarters to beat the game? No, but it's just something the game invites you to do.

Throughout the games the equipment has always been pretty standard. Ezio is equipped with two hidden blades, a sword, a knife and a secret gun. This game hopes to spice things up and offers a new weapon called a hookblade. This weapon allows Ezio to zipline down conveniently placed strings to travel faster. There is also the addition of bombs used to distract opponents. The problem with these two items is that they don't really add anything. The arsenal Ezio has built over the last games are more effective than the bombs the game keeps telling you to make.And the hookblade, while cool for the first couple of minutes isn't really necessary in the grand scheme of the game. So the two biggest concepts the game brags about falls short.

And yet there is something fun about running across rooftops to assassinate someone from behind. But that is something you can do in the other games so why  should I pay so much to do it again.

Do a mission. Kill a guy. Repeat. That's the "Assassin's Creed" game arc and unfortunately it hasn't changed at all.

Grade: B-

Graphics and Sound

There is something both beautiful and off about this entry in the series. While it is obvious they spent a lot of time working on details of the face, the environment seems odd. Like it's always in a fog for some reason.And given that its an open world game the environment is everything. The game itself is also eeirely quite unlike past entries in the series. The music when it does play does little to stand out, worse so when compared to "Assassins Creed II" which has one of the most beautiful orchestral scores in a game to date.

Honestly I don't have much to say beyond that. It is not quite bad, just a dissapointment given where the series is coming from.

Grade: C-


Assassin's creed revelations is a fan tax. The game does not show as much effort as prior entries in the series do and seems to stretch thin as much of the games plot as it can. While I will always be a fan of this series I can't help but feel ripped off by this entry.

Final Grade: C

Is it worth your money: If you own the last entries in the series you might as well. But if your'e new to the series skip it and begin with either the 1st or 2nd entry in the series. Id say 9.99 is a good asking price for this game.

Mirrors Edge F.T.W

This friday I've decieded to do a double dosage of reviews and F.T.W so here's the first F.T.W for Iphones, Mirror's Edge.

Iphone App
No age rating

"Mirror's Edge" was originally a game released for Ps3 and Xbox 360, created and developed by Electronic Arts. It was the game with the premise of doing a parkour through an entirely first person perspective. Unfortunately it didn't work out so well, the game got so-so reviews across the board, and was plagued with bad controls. However, it still developed a cult following and it is that cult following E.A hopes to cash in on.

In the Iphone rendition of mirrors edge the player has to get package carrier from one end of the level to the other. To make her run you swipe your finger in one direction and she will keep heading for it. You swipe your finger up to make her climb blocks when she approaches then, or swipe your finger down to make her slide under them. It is a pretty simple game and despite its name it really has very little to do with the original game aside from looks.

So if you got a buck to spend while you're bored at work check it out.

Shadows Of The Damned Review

Shadows Of The Damned Review

"The Tale Of A Man And His Johnson"

Under the Radar Game
Game: Shadows Of The Damned
Developer: Grasshopper Manufacturer
Rating: Mature
Platforms: PS3/ Xbox 360
MSRP: 29.99

In the underground gaming world this game was given a lot of hype, primarily because three of gamings top designers were working on this project. They were Akira Yamaoka (the composer for the silent hill horror series), Shinji Mikami (the man who developed the gameplay for resident evil) and Suda 51 (the wacky popular new game designer.) The three were working together to create a game rich in darkness while being fun, enjoyable and ambient, the end result was "Shadows of the Damned". Is this a dream game you should pick up, or a ride to hell you should skip?


Suda 51 is known for creating really out there plots and yet this story has a pretty basic story arc. You play a demon hunter named Garcia Fucking Hotspur, who has offended the commander of hell by killing too many of his minions. The leader of hell, Flemming, decides to get revenge by kidnapping Hotspur's girlfriend Paula and dragging her to hell. (In which he plans to kill her and bring her back to life over and over again for all eternity. After an introductory level, Hotspur enters hell after them aided by his best friend, a floating demon skull named Johnson. Johnson having the ability to transform into both firearms and motorcycles becomes helpful in Hotspur's quest of getting revenge on Flemming and getting back his girlfriend.

This is a pretty A-typical story in gaming, after all I'd argue over half the plots of video games ever made is about a guy trying to save his female love interest. And while it has been done before, the game seems to heartily acknowledge it arguing its not the destination, but how you get there. From the beginning the game promises to be an out there experience, and I would be lying if I said it wasn't. This is essentially a game written for guys, there are endless sex jokes, gore and wacky surprises to keep men entertained.  And although the humor can come off as a bit trashy at times, it never goes too over the top keeping the game very enjoyable.

Grade : B-


"Shadows Of The Damned" should be familiar to anyone who's ever played "Resident Evil 4 or 5". The gameplay designer Shinji Mikami shamelessly copies and pastes the style over to this new project, with the main focus of combat being precision aiming. Unlike "Resident Evil" though, most of Hotspur's enemies are demons and ghouls, most of which can be dispatched with powerful headshots. The game itself is very linear, the road to hell is very beautiful, but its impossible to get off the beaten path laid before you. The game goes into several acts, each containing 3-4 stages in each where Hotspur must kill enemies or solve simple puzzles.Most of these end in boss battles, and some bosses are insanely difficult while others are cakewalks.

The combat as aforementioned relies on precision aiming to kill enemies. In the game you get three types of guns, all of which Johnson turns into for you. A handgun, a shotgun and a machine gun. There is also an additional element the game introduces and that is a balance between light and dark. Hotspur is safe as long as he remains in the light, but if he enters hell's darkness for too long it sucks away his life and will eventually kill him. Alternatively for enemies, being in the darkness makes them invincible and it becomes up to the player to find ways to shed light on them so that they can kill them.

Bosses are all creative, each with an interesting storybook back story to them. However not all bosses are simply run around and shoot at the weak spot, this is where Suda 51's style shines in. There are some bosses that are more fun than challenging, and others that arent even really fights. For example in the later levels, Hotspur ends up in a paper construction level in which all you have to do is shoot enemies like in old school side scrolling jet games.

The gameplay while done before does have some elements that might get a few chuckles the first time you play, but become passe after a while. As I said before if you have played Resident Evil you have played "Shadows of the Damned". But if you cant get enough of that style of game, then this is definitely for you. It just feels lacking that there wasnt any real innovation added to the combat system.

Grade: B-

Graphics and Sound

"Shadows of The Damned" looks beautiful and yet there can be a lot of pop in textures through the course of the game. And towards the end of the game one can notice a drop in details than in the beginning as levels lose the pop they had early on. In other words the ending levels feel a bit generic compared to how it begins.

The sound and music are top notch. While I played it through without getting any tracks stuck in my head I will say that the music is very ambient and well fitting to the mood the game tries to make. The theme song to the game, while corny is very beautiful in tone and the intro music when you start up the game is very passionate.

My only complaint with the sound is that the man behind it is known for making such beautiful scores of music, and compared to his work on "Silent Hill 3", this stuff falls kind of flat. Yes there are tracks here and there that shine but its below what he's capable of..

Grade: B-


"Shadows Of The Damned" while unique is something that has been done before. Like hearing ode to joy done in punk metal style. Yes it's flashy and I suppose cool for some, but aside from its flash it's nothing to write home about. At the same time there is something about this game that has charm and I argue would warrant at least a renting.

Final Grade: B-

Is it worth your money: Honestly, I would rent it first. However if you find yourself in love with what its trying to do I think it's asking price is about 19.99.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Robot Unicorn Attack F.T.W

Making up for lost time I plan to do a double dosage of F.T.W. Also because "ImmorTall" can be depressing as all hell. So here's something to counteract your blues, an omega dose of rainbows and happiness.

"Robot Unicorn Attack"

Online game/Iphone
Free to play/0.99
No age rating

Have you ever wanted to be a Unicorn running free? If yes then "Robot Unicorn Attack" is the game for you. Developed by Adult Swim Games, this is a simple mindless reflex game in which you help a Unicorn chase its dreams. The Unicorn perpetually runs and you help it buy jumping and dashing across canyons in the sky. The Unicorn always runs faster and faster and faster and you will always die, but your goal is to see how many points you can get before then. You gain points by simply staying alive, catching butterflies and smashing stars with your dash move.

So please run free. And enjoy the song by "Erasure" that plays. I guarantee it's going to get stuck in your head.


You can play "Robot Unicorn Attack" here:

ImmorTall F.T.W

Sorry for the delay in this F.T.W. ,but here it is and we will have another one tomorrow.


Online game
Free to play
No age rating

This game is more of a dark art piece than anything else. "ImmorTall" is a short flash game by Armor Games with simple controls. There are no points to win, it is simply a story of an alien that comes down and befriends a family. However it is in all that the game doesn't say that makes it powerful. From what I can tell, there is a war going on and you have to defend the family as best as you can.

Like all art, I can only say so much, you have to experience it yourself. So please, when you get a chance, do it!


You can play "Immortall" here:

Catherine Review

Catherine Review

"Love, Infidelity and Lust"

Re-release for PSN and XboxLive
Game: Catherine
Developer: Atlus
Rating: Mature
Platforms: Xbox 360 & PS3

Catherine is a game by Atlus that hopes to enter new subject matters that is often overlooked by the gaming community; love, lust, marriage and fidelity. The game is essentially a puzzle game with a surprisingly deep plot and adult themes to it. In other words imagine if Tetris had a plot that was movie worthy. Is this download worth your cash and time? We'll let you know now!


The story of "Catherine" revolves around a man named Vincent Brooks. He is a 30 year old software engineer at a dead end job. His long time girlfriend Katherine McBride (clever name huh) as of late has been dropping hints that she feels they need to take their relationship to the next level. However, Vincent is complacent with his boring life and only wants things to stay the way they are. Enter Catherine, a beautiful blond woman he runs into at his favorite bar, and ends up sleeping with. She leaves the ordeal under the assumption that they are now dating leaving Vincent in a predicament to which he must choose between the two women.

And of course, this wouldn't be an Atlus game if it didn't dive into some elements of the supernatural. Since cheating on Katherine, Vincent begins having nightmares where he becomes sheep like and must climb a crumbling tower of blocks. In these dreams he encounters sheep who walk on two feet and talk like humans, they also give him the waning that if he falls while climbing he will die. This wouldn't be too bad if not for the fact the same dream seems to be happening to men all over town, meaning that all the sheep he encounters are real people, worse so when they die in the dream they are found dead in real life. "Catherine" requires the players to get through these nightmare ordeals for the narrative to continue.

This plot I found to be the most unique I have seen in a video game in a while. And the nightmare concept is both cool and reminds me of urban legends. This also receives a lot of points for trying something new and entering into new mature matter, showing that games can be more than just, shoot person with a gun.

Grade: A


As aforementioned "Catherine" is essentially a puzzle game like Tetris, if it had an epic plot. The main gameplay element of "Catherine" are the nightmares that Vincent has. In these segments the player controls Vincent as he pushes, pulls and climbs blocks to get to the top of towers. The game varies up these levels by adding tricks and enemies as you go up, ensuring that each level is more difficult than the last. Some blocks explode if you touch them, others will makes you slip and slide off the tower if you step on them. In the end, the game is both hard and addicting. One will fall off the tower, be frustrated that they pushed the wrong block, then immediately go back to retry the level. This will happen to everyone who plays "Catherine" I guarantee it.

Outside of the nightmares, the player can control Vincent as he wastes time at his favorite bar, "The Stray Sheep". Here you can talk to other bar patrons, drink and play an arcade game in the corner, each of these activities having their benefits. Talking to patrons helps you better understand how to play the game as well as unwrap the narrative. Drinking helps increase how fast you move in the nightmare level you will have that night as well as gives you interesting facts on alcohol.( For example if you finish a cocktail the game will teach you cool trivia regarding cocktails, i.e; teaching you a type of cocktail that you have to drink in a minute.) And finally the arcade machine which plays like the real game in the hopes of giving the player practice so they can figure out techniques.

In conversations the player can select Vincent's dialogue choices, which affect his overall view on life. The game tries to make players understand their own personal choices between commitment and freedom with questions they ask Vincent, in the hopes you'll respond honestly. Some of these questions can be silly, others require a bit of reflection to answer. However with the subject matter at hand, anyone even onlooking as the game is being played is going to have an opinion on the questions it asks.

In terms of being a puzzle game the controls are pretty standard. I did run into some minor frustration with the camera however, as if you end up behind a block it can be impossible for you to see what you're doing sometimes. That being said, that was the only negative I can find about its gameplay.

Grade: B-

Graphics and Sound

The game is cell shaded in a very cool, cartoony way. The game cuts between in game cinematics and hand drawn animation seamlessly, a concept that is rarely executed so easily as it is with "Catherine". The music through levels are based on covers of classical music scores, and the original music for the game has a beautiful mellow, lounge feel to it.

In regards to cell shaded graphics, they have a timeless quality to them, meaning that ten years from now they will still look fine. In that regard I can't judge against the graphics as harshly as I would with a game that is completely 3D graphics rendered. But there is a charm to it that works really well with the game.

Grade: B


"Catherine" is a unique game and you will never play anything else quite like it. Atlus deserves respect for trying something new in a day and age where the average game is shoot this, run here. To be willing to try to tackle a subject so heavily disregarded and inspire conversations about it between friends when playing their game is something to be commended. I say firmly to try this game, you will walk away with a new perspective on life.

Final Grade: B

Is it worth your money?: Yes. I would honestly say this amount is fair, for all that it is and all that it tries to do.